Is not so little and i think i want to
share it with you right now..
Its something that has made me smile, made me nervous and anxious, made feel sick, and made me feel highs of joy...
Have you guessed it yet...
Here comes a pic if you havent figured it out...

Yep I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you who has seen some of my layout´s before may know that some of them has been about the struggle we went through with my miscarriages and it has taken us so much longer to get pregnant again then what i expected, but finally i am sitting here with a growing belly, and i tell you its HUGE i was not this big with little miss thing! I'm so happy and excited and nervous still cant really shake the worriness of, about that something bad could happen but most of the time i am enjoying the joys of pregnancy, you know morning sickness (not so much anymore though) extreme tiredness, being hungry all the time, having a hard time to find clothes that fit, roller coaster emotions, having cravings about apple juice and red apples in the middle of the night...
But best of all feeling so very blessed and happy for the fact that a little life is growing inside of me it´s truly amazing.
So without further ado i present to you the little sweet pea

thank you for letting me share my good news with you =)
Now its panncake time with little miss big sister ;)